Oracle HAVING Clause:-
In Oracle, HAVING Clause is used with GROUP BY Clause to restrict the groups of returned rows where condition is TRUE.
Example:- We create table named with Employee and insert some records as shown in below:
Execute the HAVING Clause:-
Out Put:-
SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n, aggregate_function (aggregate_expression) FROM tables WHERE conditions GROUP BY expression1, expression2, ... expression_n HAVING having_condition;
Example:- We create table named with Employee and insert some records as shown in below:
CREATE TABLE Employee ( Empcode varchar2(30) primary key, Name varchar2(100), Age number(5), Salary numeric(10,2), Email varchar2(200), State varchar2(100) CONSTRAINT Employee_pk PRIMARY KEY (Empcode) ); //Insert some records as shown below:- Insert into Employee(Empcode,Name,Age,Salary,Email,State) values('Emp1001','Santosh Kumar Singh',22,12000,'','Bihar') Insert into Employee(Empcode,Name,Age,Salary,Email,State) values('Emp1002','Reena kumari',25,15000,'','Bihar') Insert into Employee(Empcode,Name,Age,Salary,Email,State) values('Emp1003','Anu Singh',21,14000,'','UP') Insert into Employee(Empcode,Name,Age,Salary,Email,State) values('Emp1004','Gagan Agrawal',24,11000,'','Haryana') Insert into Employee(Empcode,Name,Age,Salary,Email,State) values('Emp1005','Suraj',21,13000,'','Bihar') Insert into Employee(Empcode,Name,Age,Salary,Email,State) values('Emp1006','Pramod kumar sah',27,14000,'','New Delhi')
Execute the HAVING Clause:-
select State, COUNT(*) as TotalNoEmployee from Employee group by State having COUNT(state)>1
Out Put:-