Oracle Store Procedures
A procedure is a group of PL/SQL statements that can be called by name. The call specification (sometimes called call spec) specifies a java method or a third-generation language routine so that it can be called from SQL and PL/SQL.
How to create Store Procedure:-
Explanation:- Following are the three types of procedures that must be defined to create a procedure.
IN:- It is a default parameter. It passes the value to the subprogram.
OUT:- It must be specified. It returns a value to the caller.
IN OUT:- It must be specified. It passes an initial value to the subprogram and returns an updated value to the caller.
Example:- Example:- We create table named with Employee as shown in below:
Now, we create a store procedure for insert records in 'Employee' table as shown in below:-
How to call or execute Store Procedure in Oracle:-
Example:- Now, we insert some records by store procedure USP_Insert as shown below:-
Select * from Employee
Out Put:-
Oracle Drop Procedure
How to create Store Procedure:-
CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE procedure_name [ (parameter [,parameter]) ] IS [declaration_section] BEGIN executable_section [EXCEPTION exception_section] END [procedure_name];
Explanation:- Following are the three types of procedures that must be defined to create a procedure.
IN:- It is a default parameter. It passes the value to the subprogram.
OUT:- It must be specified. It returns a value to the caller.
IN OUT:- It must be specified. It passes an initial value to the subprogram and returns an updated value to the caller.
Example:- Example:- We create table named with Employee as shown in below:
CREATE TABLE Employee ( Empcode varchar2(30) primary key, Name varchar2(100), Age number(5), Salary numeric(10,2), Email varchar2(200), State varchar2(100) CONSTRAINT Employee_pk PRIMARY KEY (Empcode) );
Now, we create a store procedure for insert records in 'Employee' table as shown in below:-
create or replace procedure "USP_Insert" ( Empcode in varchar2, Name in varchar2, Age in number, Salary in numeric, Email in varchar2, State in varchar2 ) is begin insert into Employee (Empcode,Name,Age,Salary,Email,State) values(Empcode,Name,Age,Salary,Email,State); end;
How to call or execute Store Procedure in Oracle:-
BEGIN store_procedure_name(paramete lists); dbms_output.put_line('User statement for display message.'); END;
Example:- Now, we insert some records by store procedure USP_Insert as shown below:-
BEGIN USP_Insert('Emp1001','Santosh Kumar Singh',22,12000,'','Bihar'); dbms_output.put_line('Record has been inserted successfully.'); END; //Now, we can insert multiple records by using store procedure as shown in below. BEGIN USP_Insert('Emp1002','Reena kumari',25,15000,'','Bihar'); dbms_output.put_line('Record has been inserted successfully.'); END; BEGIN USP_Insert('Emp1003','Anu Singh',21,14000,'','UP'); dbms_output.put_line('Record has been inserted successfully.'); END; BEGIN USP_Insert('Emp1004','Gagan Agrawal',24,11000,'','Haryana'); dbms_output.put_line('Record has been inserted successfully.'); END; BEGIN USP_Insert('Emp1005','Suraj',21,13000,'','Bihar'); dbms_output.put_line('Record has been inserted successfully.'); END; BEGIN USP_Insert('Emp1006','Pramod kumar sah',27,14000,'','New Delhi'); dbms_output.put_line('Record has been inserted successfully.'); END;
Select * from Employee
Out Put:-
Oracle Drop Procedure
DROP PROCEDURE procedure_name;