Convention over Configuration:-

ASP.Net MVC applications aredesigned and highly relay on convention. This allows developers to avoid having to configure and specify things that can be inferred based on convention.

For example you can see that all the files inside in the views folder are named with controller name \Views\[ControllerName]\. Similarly MVC has convention rules that need to follow while developing

  1. Each controller name should end with ‘Controller’ word. E.g HomeController, AccountController
  2. All the controller class should be available inside the Controller folder
  3. There is a single Views directory for all the views of your application
  4. Views that controller used should be place inside the [Controller] named directory which is present inside the root ‘Views’ directory. E.g \Views\[Controller name] --- > \Views\Home\Index.cshtml
  5. All UI elements shared between multiple controller will reside in ‘Shared’ directory in ‘Views’ folder