What is Views?
- View is the one of the three components in MVC application. View is responsible for providing the user interface (UI) to the user.
- In MVC application, all browser requests are mapped to controller and its action method. Controller action method will return the view to the user.
- All the views are placed inside the ‘Views’ folder with /Views/ [controller name] / [action name] .cshtml format
- Depending upon the language selection, view files willhavedifferent file type e.g .html, asp, aspx, cshtml, vbhtml
- Shared folder stores the views which can be shared between controllers
- In the below code you can see that View() method called inside the action method(Contact) is not mentioned with view name. In this caase action method applies a convention to locate the view which has same name as the action within the /Views/ControllerName directory
- Action method can call the different view without using the convention
public ActionResult Contact() { ViewBag.Message = "Your contact page."; return View("NewContact"); }
- You can use the tilde syntax to provide the full path to the view
public ActionResult Contact() { ViewBag.Message = "Your contact page."; return View("~/Views/ Account/NewContact.cshtml"); }