MAX() amd MIN() Functions in SQL
The MAX() function returns the largest value of the selected column.
The MIN() function returns the smallest value of the selected column.
Now, we are using SQL SERVER. So, first of all we create table tblProduct and insert some products as shown in belwo.
The MIN() function returns the smallest value of the selected column.
--------------MAX() SYNTAX------------------ SELECT MAX(column_name) FROM table_name --------------MIN() SYNTAX------------------ SELECT MIN(column_name) FROM table_name
Now, we are using SQL SERVER. So, first of all we create table tblProduct and insert some products as shown in belwo.
CREATE TABLE tblProduct ( ProductId int primary key,ProductName varchar(100),Quantity int, Price int,SupplierId int ) ----------Insert some record---------- INSERT INTO tblProduct VALUES(1001,'Product1',10,2000,1) INSERT INTO tblProduct VALUES(1002,'Product2',20,9000,2) INSERT INTO tblProduct VALUES(1003,'Product3',12,1200,2) INSERT INTO tblProduct VALUES(1004,'Product4',9,200,3) INSERT INTO tblProduct VALUES(1005,'Product5',25,1000,4) INSERT INTO tblProduct VALUES(1006,'Product6',30,300,4) INSERT INTO tblProduct VALUES(1007,'Product7',5,2000,1) INSERT INTO tblProduct VALUES(1008,'Product8',18,4000,5) INSERT INTO tblProduct VALUES(1009,'Product9',10,5000,6)
SELECT MAX(Price) LargestValue FROM tblProduct
SELECT MIN(Price) LowestValue FROM tblProduct