Wildcards IN SQL
A wildcard character can be used to substitute for any other character(s) in a string. It is use as SQL LIKE operator.

The chart of Wildcards:-

S.No. Wildcard About Wildcard
1. % A substitute for zero or more characters
2. _ A substitute for a single character
3. [charlist] Sets and ranges of characters to match
4. [!charlist] or [^charlist] Matches only a character NOT specified within the brackets

Example :-First of all we create the table named is tblStudentRecord and insert some records as shown in below.


CREATE TABLE tblStudentRecord
Name varchar(100), Rollno int primary key, Branch varchar(30),Email varchar(100),Address varchar(200)

Insert some records :-

INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Santosh kumar singh',1001,'Information Technology','sa@gmail.com','A-3033')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Er. Reena Tanti',1002,'ECE','err@gmail.com','T-387, Gaya')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Chandan kumar',1003,'CSE','chn@gmail.com','Gaya')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Nand kishor kumar',1004,'BCA','nk@gmail.com','A-3033,Darbhanga')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Abhinav kumar',1005,'MCA','ab@gmail.com','H-837')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Santosh kumar singh',1006,'CSE','santosh@gmail.com','A-3031')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Neha sharma',1007,'MCA','h@gmail.com','D-34,Patna')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Pooja',1008,'ECE','pr@gmail.com','A-90, Jaipur, Rajashthan')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Jaya Laxmi',1009,'CSE','jl@gmail.com','Kerla')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Pakaj Kumar',1010,'BCA','pk@gmail.com','A-30,Darbhanga,Bihar')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Abhinav kumar',1011,'ME','ab1@gmail.com','K-837')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Suneeta',1012,'MCA','su@gmail.com','UP')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Suman Kumar',1013,'IT','sk@gmail.com','Block-T,Darbhanga')
INSERT INTO tblStudentRecord VALUES('Ajay kumar',1014,'ECE','aj@gmail.com','D-89')

1. % Wildcard in SQL:-The following SQL statement selects all student record from tblStudentRecord with a Name starting with "s".


SELECT * FROM tblStudentRecord WHERE Name LIKE 's%'

2. _ Wildcard in SQL :-The following SQL statement selects all student records from tblStudentRecord with a Branch starting with any character, followed by "CA":


SELECT * FROM tblStudentRecord WHERE Branch LIKE '_CA'

3 (a) [charlist] Wildcard in SQL :-The following SQL statement selects all records from tblStudentRecord table with a Name starting with "s", "p", "n" or "e".


SELECT * FROM tblStudentRecord WHERE Name LIKE '[spne]%'

3 (b) Example :-The following SQL statement selects all records from tblStudentRecord table with a Name starting with "A" to "P" i.e. '[A-P]%'


SELECT * FROM tblStudentRecord WHERE Name LIKE '[A-P]%' ORDER BY Name ASC

4. ![charlist] or ^[charlist] Wildcard in SQL :-The following SQL statement selects all records from tblStudentRecord table with a Name NOT starting with "a", "s", or "e":


SELECT * FROM tblStudentRecord WHERE Name NOT LIKE '[ase]%'

SELECT * FROM tblStudentRecord WHERE Name  LIKE '[!ase]%'