Python Dictionary
Dictionary is used to implement the key-value pair in python. The dictionary is the data type in python which can simulate the real-life data arrangement where some specific value exists for some particular key. In other words, we can say that a dictionary is the collection of key-value pairs where the value can be any python object whereas the keys are the immutable python object, i.e., Numbers, string or tuple. Dictionary simulates Java hash-map in python. Creating the dictionaryThe dictionary can be created by using multiple key-value pairs enclosed with the small brackets () and separated by the colon (:). The collections of the key-value pairs are enclosed within the curly braces {}. The syntax to define the dictionary is given below.
In the above dictionary Dict, The keys Name, and Age are the string that is an immutable object. Let's see an example to create a dictionary and printing its content.
Output <class 'dict'> printing Employee data .... {'Age': 29, 'salary': 25000, 'Name': 'John', 'Company': 'GOOGLE'} Accessing the dictionary valuesWe have discussed how the data can be accessed in the list and tuple by using the indexing. However, the values can be accessed in the dictionary by using the keys as keys are unique in the dictionary. The dictionary values can be accessed in the following way.
Output: <class 'dict'> printing Employee data .... Name : John Age : 29 Salary : 25000 Company : GOOGLE Python provides us with an alternative to use the get() method to access the dictionary values. It would give the same result as given by the indexing. Updating dictionary valuesThe dictionary is a mutable data type, and its values can be updated by using the specific keys. Let's see an example to update the dictionary values.
Output: <class 'dict'> printing Employee data .... {'Name': 'John', 'salary': 25000, 'Company': 'GOOGLE', 'Age': 29} Enter the details of the new employee.... Name: David Age: 19 Salary: 8900 Company:JTP printing the new data {'Name': 'David', 'salary': 8900, 'Company': 'JTP', 'Age': 19} Deleting elements using del keywordThe items of the dictionary can be deleted by using the del keyword as given below.
Output: <class 'dict'> printing Employee data .... {'Age': 29, 'Company': 'GOOGLE', 'Name': 'John', 'salary': 25000} Deleting some of the employee data printing the modified information {'Age': 29, 'salary': 25000} Deleting the dictionary: Employee Lets try to print it again Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 13, in <module> print(Employee) NameError: name 'Employee' is not defined Iterating DictionaryA dictionary can be iterated using the for loop as given below. Example 1# for loop to print all the keys of a dictionary
Output: Name Company salary Age Example 2#for loop to print all the values of the dictionary
Output: 29 GOOGLE John 25000 Example 3#for loop to print the values of the dictionary by using values() method.
Output: GOOGLE 25000 John 29 Example 4#for loop to print the items of the dictionary by using items() method.
Output: ('Name', 'John') ('Age', 29) ('salary', 25000) ('Company', 'GOOGLE') Properties of Dictionary keys1. In the dictionary, we can not store multiple values for the same keys. If we pass more than one values for a single key, then the value which is last assigned is considered as the value of the key. Consider the following example.
Output: Salary 25000 Company GOOGLE Name Johnn Age 29 2. In python, the key cannot be any mutable object. We can use numbers, strings, or tuple as the key but we can not use any mutable object like the list as the key in the dictionary. Consider the following example.
Output: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in Built-in Dictionary functionsThe built-in python dictionary methods along with the description are given below.
Built-in Dictionary methodsThe built-in python dictionary methods along with the description are given below.